Well, I finished construction on my Sula, and have it temporarily lashed to a metal fencepost on the lawn. I say temporary because it would never stay vertical with the very high winds that often blow through this rural location. It's just for testing... seeing how it works on the different bands before finding a "permanent" location. At present, I have it decoding wspr "spots" on the 22m experimenters band.
Here's a look at my Sula:
I'm using an octagon shape rather than the traditional square. It has the same length of wire as the square loop, so I'm hoping the change in shape isn't a performance issue. At this time, I'm not using a preamp (at the antenna). My rcvr (at the shack) is an Airspy HF+ Discovery with a built in adjustable gain amp. I figured that the upper HF range may suffer a bit with no amp directly at the antenna (cable loss to the shack), but for now, I'm basically interested in 22m and lower in freq so I think the snr would be roughly the same either way.
I'm noting one "minus" with my installation location, not at all the fault of the Sula. My QTH would be an excellent radio location except for one problem... powerline noise. Here's the situation... yes, I can minimize the noise with rotation of the Sula. However, when I do that, the main lobe is then oriented in a direction away from my desired signal sources. I want to "look" mostly East, but the Sula must face West to null the noise. Relocating the antenna to accomplish my goal, so that the antenna is on the other side of the noise, unfortunately is not an option. The antenna, because of "logistics" must remain the general area of the photograph. Murphy strikes again.
Still, I'm happy with the antenna so far and look forward see what it can do compared to wires I previously had up.