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Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:38 pm
by Jim72Upson
Hi…I am just getting setup to dive into SWLing…(Airspy HF+ Discovery with YouLoop) and I would really like to know what are your favorite stations or signals…and of course just a few details:
- Day of week
- UTC time
- Frequency
- Station ID
- if you want…program name
I am just looking to get started……and a little jump start would be wonderful
Jim / AC3B
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:23 pm
by Hank Michalenka
If you have a smartphone (I don't want to be presumptive), go to the app store and download the free Skywave Schedules app.
This will give you a pretty current database of shortwave stations and is very user friendly.
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:32 pm
by Jim72Upson
Hank….thank you….good/bad/indifferent I am an iPhone iOS user and Skywave Schedules, per se, is not available…I guess only for Android users…
However I found other options that I imagine are similar….and I do have them all on my iPhone…
I was hoping for is if there are any favorites stations/programs folks tend to enjoy listening to….
Thanks again Hank,
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:44 pm
by mckayprod
I've been surprised at how much I like Radio Amazonia (Brazil). I don't understand Portuguese but there's usually some music and signal strength is often better than Radio Havana Cuba. Most recently heard Monday 0000 at 11780. Not much in English that I care for here on the west coast.
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:41 am
by Frankie
Radio Ohne Namen via Radio Channel 292, 6070 khz...various dates.
And, generally, all weekend morning programms from them: Goldrausch, Radio DARC, Radio Waves International,...
Danmarks Radio 243 khz early mornigns with aerobics (!) and sea weather report.
At night, 792 khz Radio Dechovka (CZ) with ommpah oompah

Last but not least, the 7 AM 1 hour of Ö1 International, 6155 khz.
But I also keep listening to BBC 6195 khk or VoA 6080 khz

I must say I regularly look for the European low power stations around 4 MHz and 6 Mhz
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:40 am
by Jim72Upson
Hi Mackayprod and Frankie….many thanks for your input….
At this point, in my SWL newbie setup status, I am focused on getting my Airspy HF + Discovery antenna and computer set up….which has a few mechanical challenges….until then just scanning a bit with my ICF-7600GR when time permits just wasn’t producing much “fun” yet (my available time is very limited….)…I know next to nothing about current programs ….
I also am beginning to get set up to better know daytime vs. nighttime frequencies for SWL (although I fully understand it for amateur radio transmitting purposes)…so I assume receiving is closely aligned….
Anyway….your responses are most appreciated!
Jim /AC3B
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:02 pm
by Frankie
Sure, Jim72Upson, try at night or in the morning

these were just my reliable favorites I look up almost every local morning this year (and which all work in my ICF-7600GR as well). I needed lots of bandscanning and SWLing-reading on my way, and SDRs are fantastic, I used to fiddle a lot with a clone Malachite and a loop antenna but right now I tend to fire up the Panasonic BF65 and be good with it as long as my first coffee mug goes...
(I remember the previous years I had almost regularly listened to NHK World every local morning and then the BBC (or was it vice versa?).)
Do local amateur radio groups also count? Some are run like a committee, speaking and exchanging signal and weather reports one after another. I must say I enjoy that too (local here and a regular are most members of the "Black Forest goup" on 3775.5 khz LSB at 8:30 AM).
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:20 pm
by DXerPaulAK2024
11780, radio nacional de amaozonias, best between 00 and their 02 sign off .. they come back on at 0800utc. good music, lively hosts, etc
Re: Favorite SWL programs
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:34 am
by K4FBI
Try these sites from any web browser
By entering the frequency to hear a program on it is also possible to tentatively identify a signal
This site can help with a quick lookup for the current time and date in UTC/GMT
73, Mike