New to SDR - Tips and advice, please

Do you have a question about choosing a radio, installing an antenna, or are you simply trying to figure out how to find that elusive station on the dial? This is a place where you can ask your question and seek guidance from a wide variety of radio enthusiasts. No questions are too simple. You will be treated with respect here.
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New to SDR - Tips and advice, please

Post by SamA »

I took advantage of a sale and picked up the Airspy HF+ Discovery and YouLoop Antenna. They arrived this week and I've been "playing" with my indoor condo setup and learning the SDR# software. The YouLoop appears to do good work on the AM and FM bands.

I want to get the YouLoop mounted discreetly on the balcony and am waiting on a longer SMA coax cable to be delivered to see/hear if reception is improved on the SW, two-meter, NOAA, marine and higher bands. I suspect they'll need different antennas for those areas of the radio spectrum, but any advice would be appreciated.

At any rate, the Discovery should greatly expand my listening capabilities and opportunities.
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Andrew (grayhat)
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Re: New to SDR - Tips and advice, please

Post by Andrew (grayhat) »

start here

let aside the receiver, most infos will fit, then proceed here

and then... we may ragchew about antennas and more

btw, welcome to this hideout :)
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