Vintage Shortwave Repair

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Vintage Shortwave Repair

Post by JHrusky »

Moderator, I am hoping this question is allowable in this forum as I did not see one more appropriate:

I am trying to locate a repair tech to repair my vintage National NC-173 radio. It powers up but doesn't seem to receive signals. I'm assuming it needs some cap replaced and possibly a realignment as it has been sitting idle for 15 years.

I am in central Wisconsin. The only tech that quickly checked it out said it would run $600+ to replace the caps and realign. That seems a bit outrageous to me but perhaps it's normal to be that high? I do have the schematic for the radio.

Does anyone know any Wisconsin techs that may be able to tackle this?

Thank you.

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Re: Vintage Shortwave Repair

Post by mckayprod »

I am NO expert on this radio, but the price quoted doesn't seem too out of line for a professional recap and alignment. Maybe if you specify a level of work (Just replace filter caps? Total recap? Check all resistors? Realignment?) you might find a reduced service that you can afford and still allows you to use the radio. Personally, I wouldn't trust any of the (non-ceramic) caps and would want to at least check all voltages at the tube sockets and replace resistors until those are within 10-20% of your documentation. You'll find more people interested in working on, or helping you work on your set on the Antique Radio Forum ( You should have good luck in your area; lots of hams and hobbyists in your neck of the woods. Good luck to you, that's a worthwhile project.
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Re: Vintage Shortwave Repair

Post by dxace1 »

JHrusky wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:28 pm Moderator, I am hoping this question is allowable in this forum as I did not see one more appropriate:

I am trying to locate a repair tech to repair my vintage National NC-173 radio. It powers up but doesn't seem to receive signals. I'm assuming it needs some cap replaced and possibly a realignment as it has been sitting idle for 15 years.

I am in central Wisconsin. The only tech that quickly checked it out said it would run $600+ to replace the caps and realign. That seems a bit outrageous to me but perhaps it's normal to be that high? I do have the schematic for the radio.

Does anyone know any Wisconsin techs that may be able to tackle this?

Thank you.

Howard Mills in Harper's Ferry, WVA might take this on but receiver would have to be delivered to him, or shipped, which is expensive these days.
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