Improving the MLA-30

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Andrew (grayhat)
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Improving the MLA-30

Post by Andrew (grayhat) »

Here are some suggestions, in case you decided to buy it, that is :)

First step, improve the loop; either use some copper pipe or alumium strip to make a wider and BIGGER loop (easy)

Second step; match the impedance, the preamp has an impedance ranging from 1.5K down to 450Ohm, now ler's find a balance, break the loop at top and use a 975Ohm resistor to connect the two halves

Third step: the preamp to bias tee coax sucks badly, add a BNC connector to the preamp box and use a run of decent coax (RG6 will do) to feed the loop

Fourth step: the BIAS Tee unit was designed by a drunk folk, replace it asap
Egil - LA2PJ
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Re: Improving the MLA-30

Post by Egil - LA2PJ »

Never used a MLA-30 myself, but today I more or less stumbled over this discussion where they also have published schematics for both loop amplifier and bias-T: ... p-antenna/

Good luck!
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Andrew (grayhat)
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Re: Improving the MLA-30

Post by Andrew (grayhat) »

Yep Egil, know that, all in all I wrote that post :D
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