The idea came after a request from my dear friend Kostas (SV3ORA); he asked me if it was possible to make the "SULA" smaller and less visible (basically it shouldn't look like an antenna) and told me that ideally he needed some given dimensions
At first, knowing all the hurdles and issues I faced while designing and optimizing the "SULA" I told him that it wouldn't be possible or, better said, that such a reduced size antenna wouldn't offer acceptable performance at lower frequencies, but then... being the kind of "hard headed" folk I am, I told myself... why not, let me try
So after some fiddling with NEC, changing designs, mailings (with Kostas), scratching head... ok, all the usual "process", I finally came out with the design you tried, and given your results, it seems to work decently well

A request, if I can dare; would you be so kind to try the "nulling" of the antenna ? I mean, aim it at some given station, then record the signal and try turning the antenna so that its backside "NULL" will be oriented toward the station; does it really "cancel out" the station or, in any case, is there a noticeable signal attenuation (as I think it should be) ?