I decided to try your antenna idea, and made it pinned to the inside wall up in the loft, using your values for wires resistor and balun, and using a cheap RF amplifier I bought from Banggood: ... 12844.html
The antenna is mounted so the favoured directon is abour 240 degrees, which at my location is ideal for receiving signals from the north Atlantic Ocean and LatinAmerica.
The band conditions has been poor lately, but when monitoring Santa Maria Radio on 6628 kHz USB, with my Tecsun PL880 conected to the antenna late evening and night produced very good signals both from numerous flights and Santa Maria Radio. Also tried frequencies of south american broadcasters, but conditions was way too poor to hear them properly.
I have monitored the above frequency using the PL880 bedside the last year or so, using both the whip on the radio and a 14m long outside LW-antenna with very good results. But when connecting the radio to the new antenna, via 6 meters of RG178 coaxial cable, all signals became stronger and easier to hear, whith much less background noise than with the outside longwire.
The reduction of background noise really impressed me, so your antenna idea works great for me.
I have the free version of MMANA-GAL antenna simulation software installed on my laptop, so I put your values into the program and got the same oputput as you published,
This program is easier to use for amateurs than NEC, and can be downloaded from:
I also used the program to simulate the antenna with slightly larger values, 190 cm high and 30cm wide, and increasing the resstor to 680 ohms. That made the antenna even more directional with lower elevation angle on the main beam.
So I am going to change the meassures on the loft mounted antenna, and use the values given by MMANA GAL, when I get back home. If the antenna then works better than the one I use now, I will use it permanently and remove my outside antenna.
Here is the output from MMANA-GAL on 4, 12 and 15 MHz: