Volunteer to help the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive?

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Volunteer to help the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive?

Post by Thomas »

Hi, Group!

I thought I'd check in here first:

I am looking for a few people to help out with the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive: http://shortwavearchive.com

We have numerous contributors to the archive, but very few people who actually upload the files to the archive, index them, and create/schedule each post. In fact, most of the time, I'm the one who does this so I can be a bottleneck as I'm incredibly busy these days. :)

We have a large collection that has been offered up to us and I could use the help adding these. Also, there are numerous other contributions that come in.

This would require a working knowledge of creating blog posts and an internet connection worthy of uploading files between 2MB - 120MB.

We host the archive on the Squarespace platform, so knowledge with this would be most helpful.

This entire archive is a labor of love among those of us who want to preserve our radio history.

Let me know if interested! It's a lot of fun listening through these recordings as we post them!

Thomas (K4SWL)
The SWLing Post
The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive
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