At the beginning of this year i started learning Telegraphy (American Morse and the International) for to expand my SWL activities.
The 7055khz is one of the frecuencies of SKCC (Straight Key Century Club) so all nights try listen some QSO's for practice.
Yesterday (june 9) showed up some voices, i think are a recorder in loop, with Russian language, i can't understad what say... Somebody understand? or listen this?.
https://www.emilio.com.mx/audio/rusos-7 ... o-2022.mp3
Unusual interference in Russian language on 7055khz
Unusual interference in Russian language on 7055khz
Baby don't Hertzme no Morse
Re: Unusual interference in Russian language on 7055khz
Welcome to the board! The 40m CW segment has been haunted by clandestine stations for a long time now, also jamming and OTH radars, so it's not unusual to hear broadcast-like transmissions there.
Re: Unusual interference in Russian language on 7055khz
I believe this is what the IARU Intruder Watch calls "the radio war"
it´s been very prominent on 7055 and equally strong on the 80 meters ham band in Europe. facebook.com/groups/darchfref/posts/2481540022139475/ summarizes the political content.

Re: Unusual interference in Russian language on 7055khz
Thanks 13dka and Frankie for share. In these days the propaganda has not happened, I hope soon not only the QRM will be resolved but also the military conflict.
Baby don't Hertzme no Morse